“I was late to the party on Eucharistic adoration”

Kristine Hass June 29, 2022
St. Joan of Arc St. Clair Shores, MI

Our pastor tells the children in our parish it's a time for you to look at Jesus and to reflect on him looking back at you. That visual image is striking to me in my worship.

Years ago, I remember standing in church at a daily Mass — after being a Sunday-only church-goer — and I had two profound a-ha moments: I thought to myself, (1) I can do this every day! and (2) If I have time to play tennis two times a week, I have time to go to Mass two more times a week." 


I love Mass. I love Jesus in the Eucharist.

I was late to the party on eucharistic adoration, not even knowing it was a thing until my mid-30s. (I'm now in my mid 50s). Once I became a eucharistic "adorer," my life changed. My relationship with Christ and His church changed. My relationship with others changed and my mission as a Catholic Christian changed. I knew I had to respond.

Discover Adoration

Experience it for Yourself

Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.

Come and See