Parish Stories

St. Patrick

Wall, SD Diocese of Rapid City


“I know He is there waiting for me”

Kelly Kjerstad

The Eucharist is everything! Frequent reception of Jesus into myself helps me to try to be more like Him. He feeds my soul and gives me the desire to attain Heaven and be with Him forever. Receiving Him makes me strive to avoid sin, and leads me to the sacrament of Reconciliation when I do sin, so I can receive Him always in a state of grace. 

He has healed me. I was once Catholic in name only. I went through the motions but didn’t really know why. That is, until my daughter came home from her first semester at the University of Nebraska. She was immersed in St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center which is incredible and her faith really blossomed. She came home and spoke to us and her peers with such heartfelt conviction and courage! It deeply moved my own heart and my eyes were opened. My journey from “cafeteria Catholic” to dedicated disciple started then and there! My daughter is now a Consecrated Religious Sister! 

I know my Catholic faith is a gift purchased at great cost by the Blood of Jesus the Son of God. Our Church and Her teachings are absolute and we must follow the way laid out for us by Jesus. He came for each of us personally and gave His life so we could spend eternity with Him. I want to do everything in union with Him so I can be with Him forever, and also help others to know this beautiful truth! 

I love going to Mass because I am there present with a community of believers, who are all broken and in need of healing. We all come together to give our Lord praise and glory, along with the Communion of Saints and all the angels. We get to be a part of the heavenly banquet where Jesus is offered up as the sacrifice to atone for our sinfulness. As a community we get to process to the altar to receive His Body and Blood, the price He paid for us to attain eternity with Him. 

Adoration is where I can be face to face with my Lord and Savior! It is a moment of intimate, personal encounter with Jesus where I get the privilege of spending private, one on one time with Him. Just being in His presence envelops me in the complete love He has for me. Every time I go, I feel more drawn into Him. This knowledge of His love has come over several years of participating in frequent adoration. It is where I witness His never ending patience and know He is there waiting for me, with His unwavering love. I especially love being present during the Benediction when the Priest covers his hands and lifts Jesus to bless me Himself!

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