“It often feels like it's just Him and me”

Irene Schneider March 22, 2023
St. Francis Xavier McKean, PA

The Eucharist makes all the difference in my life. Jesus' Presence, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity, brings me peace, connects me to so many others (living and deceased), and reminds me that I'm not alone. Jesus centers me and helps me quiet my mind. 

In 2010, my brother-in-law was killed in action in Afghanistan. Once the shock passed and we took care of making flight arrangements for my mom to go be with my sister, the only place I wanted to be was at church. I had to wait several hours until the church was open for morning Mass. Throughout that season of grief, it was at Mass, visits to adoration, and praying the Stations of the Cross that I found comfort.

Trusting Jesus to be with my sister and seeing how He strengthened her and brought her through the darkness, was edifying to my own belief.

Attending Mass each week, and sometimes during the week as well, helps me center my week. In the crazy hustle and bustle of this world, it is so easy to "get on the train" and keep going, missing life as it passes by. The Mass helps me to pause, reflect and take time to recognize all the blessings God has given me. Receiving Jesus in Holy Communion, I contemplate how it is Him who is transforming me to be a better person, to be able to love better.

Adoration is my time with Jesus. Even if others are around, it often feels like it's just Him and me. I can spend a lot of time in my head, thinking about what needs to be done, generating other ideas of how I can do my job better, ways I could have done/responded differently. Stopping and taking time to sit with Jesus, allows me to simply "be." I can unburden myself, and not add to someone else's burdens. I ask Jesus to bless my work and guide me in His ways. To strengthen me in "tilling the soil," and help me to leave the rest of the “gardening” to Him. Knowing that He is the master gardener, that He can lighten my "yoke," gives me such peace and strengthens my relationship with HIM. I truly believe that by being close to Jesus, I am better able to be who God created me to be.

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Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.

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