“After sharing my heart with Him; He shares His with me"

Mary Coates January 18, 2023
Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Rapid City, SD

I am thankful for perpetual adoration at the Cathedral because it gives me the opportunity to commit to sitting with Christ for an hour each Wednesday night. Prior to COVID, this coincided beautifully with my Wednesday afternoon hospital Communion ministry because as I visited with my patients, I would let them know that I would be praying for them and for their intentions later that evening. As I began my hour of adoration, I would first thank the Lord for the opportunity to be in His presence and then I would bring the prayers, hopes and worries of the patients I had visited before our Lord and ask His will be done in their intentions. I prayed that they would all become closer to God in this time of sickness. 

Sadly, the restrictions brought about by COVID still prevent me from visiting those who are in the hospital today. But my time with Jesus every Wednesday continues and I also continue to pray for those who are sick. As I have done now for many years, I usually begin my adoration time with awe and gratitude for the day and for this quiet place that I can just "be" in God’s presence. Then I pour out my day and the things in my heart. The things that are heavy on my heart vary from time to time. Sometimes it is situations at work, sometimes it is frustration with the news and the world, sometimes I have a deep sadness in my heart for the trials people all over the world are suffering through – war, hunger, poverty. Whatever it is, I share with the Lord. I share my heart with him. After this, I pray some specific prayers I learned during my training for hospital ministry. These prayers help to bring to mind those I was able to minister to in the past and also give me an opportunity to pray for those who are currently in the hospital just across the street from the Cathedral. In this way, my hospital ministry continues, albeit in a different way. 

This is followed by a period of just gazing on our Lord and feeling the release of my worries- it is hard to describe but quite often I will find myself smiling and feeling such peace and don't even realize I was smiling until I feel that calm joy. Of course, this just makes me smile more! I feel this is God speaking to my heart. After sharing my heart with Him; He shares His with me. My worries melt away and His peace fills me. 

I often light a candle for my sons and pray that they may always keep the gift of their Faith as a treasured part of their lives and use it to guide them in all decisions. I pray that they stay close to God and continue to learn about Him and grow in His love. Before I know it, the hour is past, my heart is at peace, and I go home to rest in His shelter.

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