Parish Stories

National Shrine of the Little Flower Basilica

Royal Oak, MI Archdiocese of Detroit


“I have the nourishment to grow spiritual 'muscles'”

Michael Piatak

The Eucharist assures me that all is well with myself, i.e. my soul and connection to God. This is what makes me Catholic. It distinguishes me from our separated brethren and non-Christians. I have the nourishment to grow spiritual "muscles" so as to be in good health in this life and the next. 

When I was hospitalized and unconscious for three weeks, I experienced the healing and transformative power of the Eucharist. Upon awakening, I received the Host on the following Sunday and it increased my hope that I would be restored to full health in mind and body. Other virtues were enhanced and an optimism gripped me in my healing process. 

Like food for the body and mind, Holy Communion is the food for eternal life, as Jesus said in the Gospels. The outside world can never have this feeling of immortality and I like that it separates observant Catholics from the rest of human society, which has no clue that it is missing out on the one thing that gives true peace in life. 

Being alone with the Lord, away from the madding crowd, even from fellow congregants. While ours is a communal path to salvation, one should walk alone from time to time with our Lord.

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“For the first time, I really felt His presence within me”

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“With Jesus, I am known completely, and he loves me anyway”

Melanie Thummel

The Eucharist brings me great hope in the reality that even when I feel like I am failing on a personal level, through the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus continues to work in me to conform me to Himself and draw me to holiness. 

I have shed tears in front of the Blessed Sacrament and witnessed countless others do so as well. In Jesus’ presence, when you share your woes, you always leave with greater peace. 

Mass is heaven on earth. I remember the late beloved Monsignor Easton sharing the image of the Shrine of the Little Flower’s octagonal roof opening up to the vista of saints and angels in the halls of heaven. I have always loved that image. 

Jesus knows who I am. We all have a longing to be fully known. With Him, I am known completely, and He loves me anyway.

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“Where the fullness of our lives flow from and flows to”

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Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.

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