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“Sometimes God breaks through”
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I've always had a very rock solid, intellectual faith at the core of my conviction. I remember as a kid, going to religious education and seeing that some of my friends or peers would sometimes miss class because they had a music lesson, or a sports practice, or whatever. And even as a child, I was like, ‘Why would they prioritize that? This is the most important thing.’
I have never doubted the true presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. I have confidence that even when I don't ‘feel’ close to God, or am experiencing dryness or desolation, the truth of the faith is as true as ever.
As a mom of young kids, I hope to model my love of the Eucharist for my kids.
I have two young boys (1 and 3), and Mass can be an exhausting workout. No matter how much my patience is tested, the Consecration is the culminating point of the Mass and I always redirect my focus—and redirect my toddlers’ focus—to the altar when the host is elevated.
My husband is the music director and right after consecration he plays the chorus of “This is Jesus, Emmanuel; God is with us in this Sacrament. Come receive him, adore him; this is Jesus, our Lord.” I always recenter myself on the gravity of the moment! I am strengthened at that moment as I am reminded that Jesus is truly present, giving me His grace at all moments.
Having kids is a huge transition in lots of ways. And then COVID happened. When the lockdown started, my first was about nine months old and we had actually been in a pretty good habit of going to daily Mass most days. But then there was COVID, then it was summer, and then he was walking, and everything got thrown off.
When the lockdown began, he wasn't even crawling yet, so there was less distraction at Mass because he would pretty much stay in one spot. And then after the lockdown he was running all over the place, so there was a lot more distraction at that point.
Even though it's difficult at times with kids, or I'm not feeling energetic enough to get my kids clothed and fed before Mass, or I'm late because my toddler refused to get ready, or whatever, that unwavering conviction that that’s really God, present in the universe, gives me motivation at least at an intellectual level. We need to get to Mass. Jesus comes to a soul intimately. That's a very humble thing, for him to allow us sinful creatures to receive Him.
I definitely feel this peace and joy during consecration and while going up to Communion—and especially with my toddler, who is very interested in going up and receiving a blessing from the priest or deacon. He’s aware that people are receiving Communion, and that that’s Jesus!
And even though there's chaos in my own personal life as well as in the world around us, there's the peace and joy that comes from the stability of our faith – that God is unchanging when everything around us can be changing so much.
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Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.