"I used to attend adoration every week in between dialysis and chemotherapy."

Parish Stories
Kristen Studebaker
The Eucharist offers me incredible peace and revelation. It provides the opportunity to show our Lord gratitude for what He has done for all of us.
After my conversion to the Catholic Church in 2015, I would often sit in front of the Blessed Sacrament. One day, I was feeling extremely depressed and poured out my heart to Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. My parents divorced when I was 17 years old, and that experience left me with feelings of unworthiness, rejection, failure, despair, and being completely alone and unlovable for most of my life (I am 59 years old now). The thoughts in my head told me I was all of these things continuously.
After I told Jesus that I was all of these things (and I used pretty profane language about myself!), a most powerful thought came into my mind out of nowhere. It bellowed, "Do not use that foul language toward my beloved daughter anymore!" It felt like He was talking to another source, not to me. I let out a huge gasp and those terrible thoughts have never come back in such strength. And when they try to, the words of my Father in Heaven bat them off. I have never felt such peace; it was incredible.
That powerful statement had not been my thought. It was my Father's thought. The One who created me, protects and loves me enormously! This has meant everything to me. I know He is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. Praise God now and forever for this precious Gift of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament!
Going to Mass takes my focus off myself, and commands my focus toward Him. He freely unites Himself with me in body and spirit. There is no love greater than that!
I feel safe in adoration. Sometimes I talk to Him and He talks to me in thought. Most of the time I just sit and be silent in His presence. It is the most Holy and loving presence. I don't do it nearly enough, but am trying to do it more during this Lenten season.
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Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.