“I love the peace of adoration”

Parish Stories
Trenton Smith
The Eucharist makes me feel relaxed and peaceful. Getting closer to God has been a process of learning about history, and I’m good with history. It’s my favorite subject. God bought my mom a house, he helped my family pull through countless problems, and I pray for more things every night; sometimes the same things, sometimes different things.
A few months back my brother was in the ICU because his arms, legs, and back were hurting. I prayed every day and night, and a couple days later he felt better.
I love going to Mass because I can see Jesus close up when he comes down to me. I feel peaceful as soon as I walk out the door.
Theresa Dunn
The real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist means everything to me.
On September 7, 2022, I was at St. Scholastica's for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Ten minutes before Mass, my body started acting funny. I went up to the monstrance and placed my hand on the base, and asked Jesus to help me. Then I went to Fr. Lowe and told him something was wrong. He asked a nurse in the chapel to take me to Providence hospital. I received a shot to reverse the stroke. In two hours, the stroke was reversed and I could speak clearly. Everyone in the ER was rejoicing. I am completely restored.
Jesus means everything to me. The time spent with the Lord Jesus is a transforming blessing in my life.
Mary Pat McDougall
When I consider why I feel so blessed to have been born and raised a Catholic, I know that of all of the reasons, the most important one for me is the Eucharist. How amazing is it that Jesus not only wants to be present in our churches, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, but He wants to share Himself with each of us in a personal way in Holy Communion!?
Although I am aware of the Real Presence of Jesus whenever I am in church, there is something so tangible and visible about going to adoration specifically. It helps me be less distracted when I can look at the monstrance. Those occasions where we have had all night adoration and I have signed up for a middle of the night hour have been especially meaningful. There is something awesome about walking into the church in the middle of the night and knowing that Jesus has been waiting for a conversation with me and that He is always there waiting for any of us to come to be with Him.
Our church has frequent adoration and I have to ask myself why I so seldom take advantage of the opportunity. During this year of the I AM HERE campaign, I am committing to spend at least an hour in adoration each week. I believe it will make a real difference in my life.
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We invite you to submit your story of encountering Jesus in the Eucharist and inspire others to find in Jesus what they are looking for.
Experience it for Yourself
Jesus is truly present. Jesus is always with you. Sit in his presence and open yourself up to his voice.